We work with a lot of start-ups here at NexusCW and one advice we would like to give is that when you’re planning the future of your company you need to ensure that you have the right leadership in place and a plan for succession. It is a rare company where top management doesn’t eventually need to retire or move on. Do you have something in place to prepare for this? How do you identify the top performers who will become great long-term leaders in your company? Is it possible to hire them at the ground level?
4 Ideas for Ensuring Long-Term Organizational Success
Evaluate the current performance.
The first step is to see who is performing at what level. Does anyone routinely go above and beyond the expectations of their job? Is anyone particularly good at training others even if training isn’t their job’s focus? It isn’t about the number of hours worked but the results of the effort they put into getting a job done.
Simply ask your employees about their goals.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your employees about their vision for the future. Where do they see themselves in 10 years? You can even formalize the process and issue employee surveys once a year or so or during their annual reviews. Find out what else they want to contribute to your organization.
Use assessments to determine leadership ability.
There are hundreds of tests on the market that determine individual’s aptitude for leadership positions. You can work with an official test administrator for any number of companies. These tests can even be fun and give people insight on their own work style and personality. They are especially good for an annual meeting.
See who takes on a leadership role among their peers.
You can also evaluate your employees by watching who takes on leadership roles in the office even if they aren’t in a management position. Who volunteers for projects? Who makes sure work gets completed? Who isn’t content to sit behind their desk and keep their head down?
Looking for additional hiring support?
Let our team of skilled recruiters assist you as you work to grow your organization for years to come. Contact our team today for more information!