As a hiring manager it is important to keep in mind that hiring should not be considered an impulse purchase. It feels like such an emotional decision: you meet someone and there is instant chemistry. They might remind you of you when you started in your job. It is easy to want to make an offer on the spot. Experts suggest that you resist this temptation and put some additional thought and research into hiring candidates. Here are some helpful tips to help you make the right hiring investment. Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills. When conducting interviews it is a good idea to keep the content more or less the same. When you compare interviews it is good to have a bench mark of information to compare. Go beyond the resume and ask questions to get detailed and in depth answers about their experience and behavior… [Read More]
Long term strategy
In an interesting piece on Strategic Sourcing, that is, a specific plan of action regarding the procurement and hiring of top talent, a Talent Acquisition Manager poses the question: Who is better to Effect the Toughest Changes in Strategic Sourcing? Your Permanent Team or Third Party Contractors? (They deduce that the contractor/consultation model allows for greater opportunity for change within your organization by allowing for a fresh perspective and minimizing the personal and political hurdles that can stop an organization from moving away from the status quo. If we apply this same line of thinking to the larger context of Contingent Workforce Management, it may be time to ask: When is the last time your enterprise truly thought about the long term goals regarding your Contingent Workers? And are small steps being taken daily to effectively embrace that strategy? As we’ve already discussed, change is… [Read More]