A new multi-generational workforce poses both challenges and opportunities for today’s employer. An increase in average retirement age and life expectancy have created an unprecedented five generations coexisting in the modern workforce, also known as the “5G Workforce.” Each generation brings to the workplace a different set of character traits, behavioral patterns and value systems. These differing perceptions and values are a potential source of conflict, frustration and misunderstanding. Unresolved conflict among employees decreases productivity, morale and motivation. Employers must understand generational differences and use this understanding to manage generational diversity. Once properly managed, an employer can capitalize on the unique strengths of this diverse workforce. Successful management of the 5G workforce begins with an understanding of not only the differences among generations, but the environment that shaped those differences. The five generations of the modern workforce include: • Traditionalists: Employees born 1945 and before… [Read More]
The Rise of the Gig Economy
With the rise of what is now known as the “gig economy,” the job market is changing. The gig economy is an environment in which short-term, temporary work is preferred to traditional employment. This contingent workforce is utilized for single projects or tasks, employee absences, or field expertise. These workers are highly skilled, knowledgeable in their field, and ready to perform in a demanding environment. The benefits of this type of labor have been recognized by both employers and workers alike. The Gig Economy Offers Flexibility For the worker, the gig economy offers flexibility and diversity not found in the traditional job market. Many short-term engagements, such as consulting “gigs,” do not have a firm work schedule. Workers have newfound flexibility in completing these projects or tasks. This type of work also introduces the ability to diversify. A worker is no longer chained to one… [Read More]
Employer of Record Services
What is Employer of Record services? Assuming the role of Employer of Record gives rise to a complex set of rights and responsibilities. To protect the rights of employees, labor laws and regulations impose numerous duties on an employer. These same rules also impose costly penalties for employers who breach these obligations. For this reason, the role of Employer of Record carries an inherent risk of liability. To mitigate this risk and maintain positive employee relations, an employer must have a clear understanding of the legal obligations involved. According to Intuit 2020 report, 20-25% of the workforce is currently involved in some aspect of contingent work or alternative work arrangements. A number that is expected to rise to 40% by 2030. With the rise in the number of contingent workers, there’s a demand for services that help companies establish well-run programs that can utilize this… [Read More]
5 Simple Steps to Writing an Effective Job Description
A job description is an essential tool to attract quality talent. By carefully tailoring the fundamental elements of a job description, you can effectively target the candidate pool you are seeking. Job Title In creating a job description, your first step is to give the position a job title. Although a job title may only be a few words, it plays a crucial role in the purpose of a job description. The job title is the gateway to the talent pool you seek. An effective job title should: reflect the nature and duties of the job indicate skill level in relation to other jobs within the company be consistent with industry standards and other similar jobs so that it can be accessed by online job seekers An example of a good job title is “Senior Nurse Recruiter.” A candidate understands that this is a position… [Read More]
The importance of reference checks when hiring?
Do you know the importance of reference checks? Current statistics indicate that about 20% of employers do not check references for incoming employees. Of the 80% who do, the vast majority indicate that they have changed their mind on a potential employee from talking to their references? And an incredible 30% have caught fake references during this process. If you’re among the 20% of employers who don’t do references you may want to change your mind. 6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Reference Checks Ask the candidate for their help. It is in the candidate’s best interest to provide valid reference information during the interview process. Talk to them about their list. Ask how recently they’ve spoken to these individuals. Ask them if they have permission to contact them. If not, as the candidate to call them first and let them know… [Read More]
How to identifying your companies successor?
We work with a lot of start-ups here at NexusCW and one advice we would like to give is that when you’re planning the future of your company you need to ensure that you have the right leadership in place and a plan for succession. It is a rare company where top management doesn’t eventually need to retire or move on. Do you have something in place to prepare for this? How do you identify the top performers who will become great long-term leaders in your company? Is it possible to hire them at the ground level? 4 Ideas for Ensuring Long-Term Organizational Success Evaluate the current performance. The first step is to see who is performing at what level. Does anyone routinely go above and beyond the expectations of their job? Is anyone particularly good at training others even if training isn’t their job’s… [Read More]
Hiring Challenges for your Office
As we approach the last quarter of 2014 it is good to evaluate where you are in your hiring plan and see what challenges you may face for the remainder of the year. Each region has specific needs and challenges so it is important to understand them in context. Here are several things to consider for the rest of 2014 and moving into the new year. Mobile Recruiting. Almost everyone today uses a smart phone or tablet device regularly. In fact, the number is over 91%. Many of these smart device users access the internet strictly through their mobile phones. 7 out of 10 job seekers are using their phones to search for jobs. Be sure to evaluate your mobile recruiting strategy to target these potential employees. Work with your web designer to ensure that your information is easy to access on a phone or… [Read More]
Hiring is an Investment
As a hiring manager it is important to keep in mind that hiring should not be considered an impulse purchase. It feels like such an emotional decision: you meet someone and there is instant chemistry. They might remind you of you when you started in your job. It is easy to want to make an offer on the spot. Experts suggest that you resist this temptation and put some additional thought and research into hiring candidates. Here are some helpful tips to help you make the right hiring investment. Sharpen Your Interviewing Skills. When conducting interviews it is a good idea to keep the content more or less the same. When you compare interviews it is good to have a bench mark of information to compare. Go beyond the resume and ask questions to get detailed and in depth answers about their experience and behavior… [Read More]
Recent graduate: consider these tips when looking for a job.
As we all know the job market is tough for graduating college seniors right now. However, that doesn’t mean that it is all despair and unemployment in your future. When it comes to finding a job online, there is always hard work and active networking that can be done. If you’re graduating this May we wanted to share some tips that will come in handy while you’re looking for your entry-level job in your career of choice. Build and impressive resume. One of the biggest mistakes new job seekers make is not reviewing their resume enough to ensure that it is error-free and engaging to the reader. Keep your format consistent throughout. Be very clear about the important information like your degree and experience. Showcase your skills with data and accomplishments. Talk about leadership positions you held in school. Most importantly, customize the document to… [Read More]
The Myths of Independent Contractor misclassification.
We are all aware of the potential financial penalties that Independent Contractor (IC) or contract worker misclassification can bring to a company, some have even experienced it. This misclassification can be particularly debilitating to a company’s bottom line, and thoughtful risk mitigation policies need to be established. Based on testimonials from our current clients, potential clients, and industry veterans, a number of practices aimed at reducing misclassification risk have been implemented by well-intentioned organizations. Do they work? Well, not all of them, but some work very well. Others work only in combination, while some are simply myths. For a variety of reasons, these myths are embraced and can be difficult to dispel. Consulting with 1099 compliance professionals can help, but before we get into that let’s meet the myths through the eyes of a hiring manager. Myth #1: Contractor is Incorporated Some view articles of… [Read More]